How to Make a Yearly Budget? Making a yearly budget is an important part of keeping our finances healthy. By making a budget we can keep a track record of how much you earn, how much you spend, and how much you save. By making a budget we can plan our spending. Making a budget also helps in making big purchases like a car or a house or any other thing systematically without disturbing our finances much. Making a budget also helps us in achieving our long term goals. It can also help us in limiting our expenses to only necessary things and not doing many extra expenses. → List your sources of income Make a list of all your sources of income. Sources of income can include your job salary, business income, rent received from the tenant, dividend from stocks, income from tenant farmer, etc. Now when you are done with your list you can add them up and now divide them with 12 so that we can get the estimate of monthly income. → List all your expenses Get all your bills of the past 3-4 m...
What is Nifty 50 and Sensex? Sensex was launched in 1986 by BSE and Nifty 50 was launched on 22 April in 1996. Nifty 50 and Sensex are the indices of India. Nifty 50 represents the top 50 companies of India listed on NSE and Sensex shows represent the top 30 companies of India on BSE. Indices represent the country's stock markets. Almost every having a portfolio in the same market of indices can compare their portfolio returns with indices and even mutual also compare their fund returns with indices. How to Nifty is calculated? Step 1: Calculate IWF(Investible Weight Factors) IWF is a unit of floating stock available for trading. IWF is total shares minus (addition of shareholding of the promoter, government holding in the capacity o strategic investor, shares held by promoters through ADR/GDRs, cross-holdings by associates or group companies, Employee Welfare Trust and Shares under lock-in category) and the answer is then divided by total shares. For this, an exa...